Let's stay in touch!
Hello, please click here to share your email address if you'd like Kat to keep in touch with you about sewing, clothes making and pattern cutting class news, as and when something new is going on with any of our teachers

Sew In Brighton Sewing School has closed down (last class 1st Sept 2024), but our amazing team of teachers are running their own classes and 1-2-1 lessons in the brighton and Hove area from Sept '24 onwards. Find out about their local sewing, clothes making, knitting knitting and crochet lessons here
Keep in touch with Sew In Brighton owner Kat by joining our email list - she will sporadically update you with any new classes or sewing related events!
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1: Sew In Brighton emailing you with updates/news/tips.
2: We may contact past/current students by phone/email for feedback about their projects/classes.
3: Our Privacy Policy & Terms.
4: Us storing your details on Mail Chimp or Mad Mimi, Mailjet, Jotform or other form builder and email marketing platforms (in accordance with their privacy policy/terms).
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